Organic farm
Five years ago we decided on organic farming, we realized that this is the only real way to create something for ourselves today and produce something on a smaller estate. The farm is most happy to show the groups, introduce them to our solar power plant, wood biomass stove, organic strawberry and raspberry plantation, and gypsy cattle and Slovenian cold-blooded breed of horse. We currently have 13 head of beef cattle, hobby horses and a waste. For some farmers, a small number, and for us who are still dealing with catering, just the right one.
2010 – We have shifted to organic farming, which for us is the only real way of producing food and a healthy lifestyle. We produce organic beef on the farm, we also offer seasonal organic food to visitors.
2012 – we set up a 44.66 kwH solar power plant, which generates electricity throughout the year.
2013 – we have arranged heating on wood biomass, with a 45 kw herz stove, the farm is heated to the shinglings.